Op.Dr. Umit Cakir | Nose Aesthetics Bursa

Sinusitis Surgery

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Sinusitis Surgery

Sinusitis surgeries come to the fore for patients whose sinuses are frequently inflamed and do not heal despite long-term treatment. In order for the doctor to decide on sinusitis surgery, the patient must have a very good command of the clinic. It turns out that it is not correct to make a decision for surgery after a film or a one-time examination. It is of great importance that the patient is diagnosed correctly before sinusitis surgery and that this surgery is performed using a correct technique. There is no possibility of recurrence of sinusitis in patients who have had sinusitis surgery, in cases where there is no genetic disorder.

What are the Symptoms of Sinusitis?

A cold that lasts longer than a week is often seen as a symptom of sinusitis. In adults, nasal congestion, cough, post-nasal drip, tooth and eye pain are also among the symptoms of sinusitis. In addition, double vision problem, swelling in the forehead and eye area also appear as symptoms of sinusitis. If upper respiratory tract complaints persist for more than three weeks, a doctor should be seen.

How Are Sinusitis Surgeries Performed?

Sinusitis surgeries, which are both sensitive and technical, are performed under endoscopic vision. It turns out that the tools used at this stage are also quite sensitive. The tools used during this surgery and up-to-date sinus knowledge and experience are of great importance in performing the surgery. It turns out that the success of surgeries performed in this way is quite high. In addition, general anesthesia method is applied during the operation. The duration of general anesthesia can vary between 45 minutes and 1.5 hours, depending on the variety of sinuses to be worked on. After the end of the surgery, dissolvable tampons are placed on the surgical area. These tampons seem to be quite comfortable for patients. It is also of great importance that patients do not delay their follow-up after the surgery.

Does Postoperative Sinusitis Recur?

It turns out that patients who have sinusitis surgery do not experience this discomfort again if the right techniques and tools are used. However, it should be kept in mind that although it is very rare, the possibility of recurrence of polyp sinusitis is always possible. It is of great importance that this surgery is performed properly in patients with polyps and that the controls are not disrupted. Thus, the possibility of recurrence of this disease is eliminated.

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