Tube insertion into the ear is a very common operation. Deafness or low-hearing problems can sometimes be observed in growing children. This reduces the child’s quality of life. If the child goes to school, he may not get as much efficiency in his lessons. If you notice that your child has a hearing problem, report this to their teacher. During the treatment, or at least before the treatment, the teachers will take care of your child. Teachers will be sensitive about this issue and will put your child in the front row and will speak louder.
The ear tube is cylindrical. There is a channel in the middle of the instrument. This instrument is a tube that is placed in the ear by ENT specialists and counts the passage of air into the ear.
The ear tube is decided to be inserted as a result of the researches. The doctor enters the ear externally, using a microscope, into the ear. Cuts the eardrum. The fluid in the middle ear is drawn out from the scratched area in the eardrum. With certain instruments, the tube is placed where the ear is scratched, with one end in the middle ear and the other end in the outer ear. There will be no visible difference in the patient’s ear.
General anesthesia is used for children and local anesthesia is used for adults. However, general anesthesia can be applied to adults who wish.
Putting a tube in the ear provides different benefits depending on the disease. Some of these benefits are below;
In children who are fitted with an ear tube for the first time, the tube remains inside for about 6 months. When this time has elapsed, the body automatically ejects the tube. Usually, when the doctor is checked, the doctor sees that the tube is thrown into the outer ear and takes the tube. If the tube does not come out on its own and the duration lasts a year, the doctor removes the tube with a small operation. However, if the tube is inserted a second time, it will take longer. The tube is removed on a date prescribed by the physician. Usually, the tubes with the second inserted stay inside for more than a year.