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Lip Filler Prices and Effect of Quality on Price Thick lips attract the attention of almost every woman. Because thick lips make women look more attractive. With lip augmentation, which is frequently on the agenda today, women have the lip appearance they want. Ladies who want to have lip augmentation should first determine a reliable […]

Should Lip Filling Be Natural or Prominent? Among the beauty details that women attach the most importance to, their lips are prominent and full. However, depending on age and genetic characteristics, some lips may have different asymmetric sizes and wrinkle levels. This situation creates problems in women’s efforts to beautify. Aesthetic interventions are involved in […]

Breathing Comfortable and Rhinoplasty Operation Rhinoplasty is important in terms of both shape appearance and health. Many people cannot breathe easily due to the disorder in the nasal structure. People who have difficulty in breathing due to the structure of the nose, apply to plastic surgeons, have their nose aesthetics done and begin to live […]

Bruise, Swelling and Healing Process After Nose Aesthetics The recovery process varies according to the structure of the person and the operation performed, and the average recovery time is variable. However, temporary bruising and swelling may occur after rhinoplasty. People apply to rhinoplasty when they have a health problem or want to have an aesthetic […]

Prices in Nose Aesthetics and Factors Affecting Prices Rhinoplasty is sometimes done out of necessity and sometimes on personal request in order to look more stylish. In both cases, the procedures to be done to correct the defect in the nose structure are different. The tip of the nose, which is lower than the nose […]

Salmon prevents aging! Scientific research has revealed that the main reasons for the changes caused by aging are the decreased proteins and moisture in the skin. It has been proven that the best source that can supplement the proteins lost in the skin is salmon fish DNA because of its similarity to human DNA. A […]

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